You can’t read the label when you’re inside the bottle.

I can’t remember when I first heard this. But recently when Frank Kerr spoke about this again. It hit me

However, the meanings are open to interpretation.

Let me share Don Neal’s version..

No matter how we perceive ourselves, we do live in our jars, and they are often pretty small.

Some of our jars have lids that we’ve tightened, keeping us from climbing out and reading or fixing our label, and, more importantly, examining our ingredients.

Finally, it all comes to this. .What we tell ourselves, and the question is:

Who wrote the label on our jar?

Did we or did someone else?

Our parents, our boss, our friends, society, our politicians…who?

Here’s his point:

Climb outside of your jar, read the label, and ask yourself if it describes what’s inside the jar.

Are the ingredients healthy?

Does the packaging fit the contents?

Read a few other labels while you’re out there.

Maybe even have a look inside a few of the other jars and find out for yourself what’s really inside for all of those other people sitting on the shelf next to you or on shelves down the street that you’ve never shopped.

While none of us may like to be labelled, the truth is, we are.

The choice is up to us if the label is true and if we choose to accept the label given to us by others.

(Don Neal is Founder & CEO, 360 Live Media)

Still, trying to read the label from inside the bottle?

Now to the year 2021.

Would you like to rewrite the label?